Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Chateau de Cagwin

5/25 - Mill Valley (27 miles)
To have a map or not? Rachel says yes; Scott says no... We were so anxious and excited to leave San Francisco and the bike theft experience, that we headed across the windy Golden Gate Bridge without a detailed map. We placed faith in the Biking Gods and brailled our way to Mill Valley. As we passed the town, our road turned into an endless, curvy mountainous road, becoming steeper and steeper... It was late in the day and Rachel was questioning Scott's relationship with the Biking Gods and tempers were deteriorating rapidly. But then came Marti Cagwin to the relationship rescue!!!

Marti explained that we missed our turn and were climbing toward a dead end. Without hesitation, she offered a place for us to stay for the night. Ahhh, a place to stay! No more cycling in the dark... No more "I told you so's" or "we climbed this whole way for nothing" type thoughts. In fact, Marti and George Cagwin seemed to enjoy adding surprises and amenities to our "place to stay" as the night continued. First, we were taken to our private room, complete with computer and home theatre/stereo system. Next came laundry and showers. Dinner was at 8 pm w/ casual attire. Lamb, Chicken, and asparagus served. To conclude the evening, the Cagwin's issued us our personal spa robes and we sat in a boiling tub overlooking the San Francisco bay area. We couldn't help but think that our sacrifice of stolen bicycles had appeased Bicycle Gods and that they were looking out for us again.


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! We just wanted you to know we are keeping up with you two and have enjoyed sharing your adventures! Your Arizona friends. Tina, Ryan and Larry

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've been thinking about you guys all day, wondering if you made it home. Just wanted to thank you for stopping in our yard. We sure enjoyed having you. and I want to see a book in the near future. Keep in touch. Your Ill. friends.
Randy and Roxann


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